Fitness Center
The VilarencAqua sports center has 6500 m2 of facilities to carry out your physical training and improve your quality of life.
With more than 88 classes conducted throughout the week, with the best professionals in physical activity and sports, in an idyllic environment to carry out all kinds of physical exercise. Our activities are adapted for all types of public, our professionals will help you to make the session in the safest way and that you can reach your goals.
Fitness Room
We have a Fitness room with a sports monitor throughout the day to advise you and help you in your practice. You can also find a functional work area with specific material and machinery by this training method.
You can complement your preparation with our indoor and outdoor pools and relax with our Wellness Tour (saunas and indoor-outdoor spa).
Activity Rooms
In addition, we have two rooms for all types of directed classes. VilarencAqua is an official center of LESMILLS, SPINNING, ZUMBA where activities such as Crosstraining, GAC, Abd hipopressius ...